S T E P 1 : C H O O S E T H E L O C A T I O N S O F Y O U R D R E A M H O M E
Any home needs a good foundation to stand on, designing a home follows the same rule. Deciding where your home will be built will give our in-house architect the canvas he needs to start drafting your home.
S T E P 2 : D E S I G N Y O U R F L O O R P L A N S
Here at McKenny Glenn Homes, we offer our in-house architectural services to all customers. Sitting down with our architect will bring you peace of mind because you will be able to view a 3-D rendering of your home before we ever break ground.

S T E P 3 : C H O O S E Y O U R I N T E R I O R & E X T E R I O R S E L E C T I O N
Within our custom showroom located in our model home, you will be able to see all the selections we have to offer. At this stage, you will sit down with our Project Manager to select everything from the color of your baseboard to the color of your roof. agraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
S T E P 4 : F I N A L I Z E P L A N S & S E L E C T I O N S
During your pre-construction meeting, you will be sitting down with our Construction Superintendent and Project Manager to finalize all your selections and plans. This is the last step before we break ground!

S T E P 5 : C O N S T R U C T I O N B E G I N S
Breaking Ground is considered going beyond the point of no return, from here to the end of construction you will be able to watch your home effortlessly rise from the ground. This is the result of two months of preparation to get to this point.
S T E P 6 : C O N S T R U C T I O N W A L K T H R O U G H
While your home is under construction there will be stages in the construction process where you will be meeting with our Superintendent on the job site to view your home. The first is a curtesy walk at the foundation stage, this will allow you to see the foundation your home will be built on. The Second walk is a pre-drywall frame walk. Framing and mechanicals are completed, and all city inspections have been passed as well. Seeing your home at this stage will allow you to see the bones of your home.

S T E P 7 : H O M E I N T R O D U C T I O N / B L U E T A P E W A L K
At this step, you will be walking into your completed home. Our Superintendent will conduct the Home Introduction walk which will get you familiar with the features of your new home. Simultaneously, you are allowed to blue tape the home for any issues you would like to be addressed. At the end, the customer is allowed to sign off on the home and make through way to the title company.
S T E P 8 : C L O S I N G A T T I T L E C O M P A N Y
This is where your home officially becomes yours!

S T E P 9 : W E L C O M E T O Y O U R N E W M C K E N N Y G L E N N H O M E
This is the final step in your new home journey, the relationship we have built isn’t over yet, because every new home comes with a one-year workmanship warranty and every home comes with a 2-10 warranty as well.
At Mckenny Glenn Homes, we're dedicated to guiding you through every stage of the homebuilding process. From selecting the ideal location to finalizing the finishing touches, our expert team is committed to ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. Our comprehensive process consists of nine carefully crafted steps, designed to bring your unique vision to life. From choosing the location of your new home to welcoming you into your finished space, we'll be with you every step of the way.